GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS Step 4

PrintPrint Step 4

To now initialize the variables arcpyAvailable and runningAsScriptTool correctly and potentially disable some GUI elements, please add the following code directly under the comment “# test availability and if run as script tool”:

arcpyAvailable = core_functions.importArcpyIfAvailable() 

if not arcpyAvailable: 
    ui.statusbar.showMessage('arcpy not available. Adding to shapefiles and layers has been disabled.') 
    import arcpy 
    if core_functions.runningAsScriptTool(): 
        runningAsScriptTool = True 
        ui.statusbar.showMessage(ui.statusbar.currentMessage() + 'Not running as a script tool. Adding to layer has been disabled.')

What happens here is that we first use importArcpyIfAvailable() from the core_functions module to check whether we can import arcpy. If this is not the case, we make the “CSV” tab the current and only selectable tab from the Add Features tab widget by disabling the “Shapefile” and “Layer” tabs. In the else-part (so if arcpy is available), we further use the runningAsScriptTool() function to check if the program is being run as a script tool inside ArcGIS. If not, we just disable the “Layer” tab and make the “Shapefile” tab the currently selected one. In addition, some warning message in the statusbar is produced if either the “Layer” or both the “Layer” and “Shapefile” tabs had to be disabled.