A last word on profiling
Before we move on from profiling a few important points need to be made. As you might have worked out for yourself by this point, profiling is time-consuming and you really should only undertake it if you have a very slow piece of code or one where you will be running it thousands of times or more and a small performance improvement is likely to be beneficial in the long run. To put that another way, if you spend a day profiling your code to improve its performance and you reduce the execution time from ten minutes to five minutes but you only run that code once then I would argue you haven’t used your time productively. If your code is already fast enough that it executes in a reasonable amount of time – that is fine.
Do not get caught in the trap of beginning to optimize and profile your code too early, particularly before the code is complete. You may be focusing on a slow piece of code that will only be executed once or twice and the performance improvement will not be significant compared to the execution of the other 99% of the code.
We have to accept that some external libraries are inefficient and if we need to use them, then we must accept that they take as long as they do to get the job done. It is also possible that those libraries are extremely efficient and take as long as they do because the task they are performing is complicated. There isn’t any point attempting to speed up the arcpy.da cursors for example as they are probably as fast as they are likely to be in the near future. If that is the slowest part of our code, we may have to accept that.