GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS

4.8 Class Attributes and Static Class Functions


4.8 Class Attributes and Static Class Functions

In this section we are going to look at two additional concepts that can be part of a class definition, namely class variables/attributes and static class functions. We will start with class attributes even though it is the less important one of these two concepts and won't play a role in the rest of this lesson. Static class functions, on the other hand, will be used in the walkthrough code of this lesson and also will be part of the homework assignment.

We learned in this lesson that for each instance variable defined in a class, each object of that class possesses its own copy so that different objects can have different values for a particular attribute. However, sometimes it can also be useful to have attributes that are defined only once for the class and not for each individual object of the class. For instance, if we want to count how many instances of a class (and its subclasses) have been created while the program is being executed, it would not make sense to use an instance variable with a copy in each object of the class for this. A variable existing at the class level is much better suited for implementing this counter and such variables are called class variables or class attributes. Of course, we could use a global variable for counting the instances but the approach using a class attribute is more elegant as we will see in a moment.

The best way to implement this instance counter idea is to have the code for incrementing the counter variable in the constructor of the class because that means we don’t have to add any other code and it’s guaranteed that the counter will be increased whenever the constructor is invoked to create a new instance. The definition of a class attribute in Python looks like a normal variable assignment but appears inside a class definition outside of any method, typically before the definition of the constructor. Here is what the definition of a class attribute counter for our Geometry class could look like. We are adding the attribute to the root class of our hierarchy so that we can use it to count how many geometric objects have been created in total.

class Geometry(): 
   counter = 0 

   def __init__(self, x = 0.0, y = 0.0): 
      self.x = x 
      self.y = y 
      Geometry.counter += 1 

The class attribute is defined in line 2 and the initial value of zero is assigned to it when the class is loaded so before the first object of this class is created. We already included a modified version of the constructor that increases the value of counter by one. Since each constructor defined in our class hierarchy calls the constructor of its base class, the counter class attribute will be increased for every geometry object created. Please note that the main difference between class attributes and instance variables in the class definition is that class attributes don’t use the prefix “self.” but the name of the class instead, so Geometry.counter in this case. Go ahead and modify your class Geometry in this way, while keeping all the rest of the code unchanged.

While instance variables can only be accessed for an object, e.g. using <variable containing the object>.<name of the instance variable>, we can access class attributes by using the name of the class, i.e. <name of the class>.<name of the class attribute>. That means you can run the code and use the statement


… to get the value currently stored in this new class attribute. Since we have not created any geometry objects since making this change, the output should be 0.

Let’s now create two geometry objects of different types, for instance, a circle and a square:


Now run the previous print statement again and you will see that the value of the class variable is now 2. Class variables like this are suitable for storing all information related to the class, so essentially everything that does not describe the state of individual objects of the class.

Class definitions can also contain definitions of functions that are not methods, meaning they are not invoked for a specific object of that class and they do not access the state of a particular object. We will refer to such functions as static class functions. Like class attributes they will be referred to from code by using the name of the class as prefix. Class functions allow for implementing some functionality that is in some way related to the class but not the state of a particular object. They are also useful for providing auxiliary functions for the methods of the class. It is important to note that since static class functions are associated with the class but not an individual object of the class, you cannot directly refer to the instance variables in the body of a static class function like you can in the definitions of methods. However, you can refer to class attributes as you will see in a moment.

A static class function definition can be distinguished from the definition of a method by the lack of the “self” as the first parameter of the function; so it looks like a normal function definition but is located inside a class definition. To give a very simple example of a static class function, let’s add a function called printClassInfo() to class Geometry that simply produces a nice output message for our counter class attribute:

class Geometry(): 

    def printClassInfo(): 
        print( "So far, {0} geometric objects have been created".format(Geometry.counter) )

We have included the header of the class definition to illustrate how the definition of the function is embedded into the class definition. You can place the function definition at the end of the class definition, but it doesn’t really matter where you place it, you just have to make sure not to paste the code into the definition of one of the methods. To call the function you simply write:


The exact output depends on how many objects have been created but it will be the current value of the counter class variable inserted into the text string from the function body.

Go ahead and save your completed geometry script since we'll be using it later in this lesson.

In the program that we will develop in the walkthroughs of this lesson, we will use static class functions that work somewhat similarly to the constructor in that they can create and return new objects of the class but only if certain conditions are met. We will use this idea to create event objects for certain events detected in bus GPS track data. The static functions defined in the different bus event classes (called detect()) will be called with the GPS data and only return an object of the respective event class if the conditions for this kind of bus event are fulfilled. Here is a sketch of a class definition that illustrates this idea:

class SomeEvent(): 

    # static class function that creates and returns an object of this class only if certain conditions are satisfied
    def detect(data): 
        ... # perform some tests with data provided as parameter
        if ...: # if conditions are satisfied, use constructor of SomeEvent to create an object and return that object
              return SomeEvent(...)
        else:   # else the function returns None
              return None

# calling the static class function from outside the class definition,
# the returned SomeEvent object will be stored in variable event
event = SomeEvent.detect(...)
if event: # test whether an object has been returned
    ... # do something with the new SomeEvent object