As history has shown us, the intersection of the entire geographic discipline, to include human and cultural geography, have been intertwined with the military and intelligence disciplines. The success or failure of military and intelligence operations, as well as peacekeeping missions, has often rested on how well these concepts have been understood and used. Ethical issues have arisen and been debated between academics and intelligence/military analysts; however, the utility and need for this sociocultural understanding in order to succeed has not been debated.
How can these two intertwined disciplines co-exist and complement each other? Is it possible? Many researchers and practitioners have presented options and suggestions to help the two disciplines work together (Pawinski, 2018; Price, 2017; Medina, 2016).
Pawinski, M. (2018). Going beyond human terrain system: Exploring ethical dilemmas. Journal of Military Ethics, 17(2-3), 122-139.
Price, B. R. (2017). Human terrain at the crossroads. Joint Force Quarterly, 87(4): 69-75.