For this week, I'd like you to read two articles on the application of evaluation methods to GIS and geographic visualization tools. Each article offers a different take on evaluation in terms of its goals and the amount of formality involved in its application.
"Usability Engineering for GIS: Learning From a Screenshot" by Muki Haklay and Antigoni Zafiri.
"An Approach for Harvesting, Visualizing, and Analyzing WebGIS Sessions to Identify Usability Issues" by Rene Unrau, Morin Ostkamp, and Christian Kray.
Term Project
This article demonstrates how one might use the interaction logs generated by people using a WebGIS in order to diagnose potential usability issues. Interaction logs may be a nice approach in part because they don't necessarily require users to participate in a study per se. Use the information presented in the articles to complete the evaluation section of your term project.