GEOG 585
Open Web Mapping



How do you start with some raw datasets on your computer and create a beautiful interactive web map that can be enjoyed by thousands of Internet users? This lesson will give an overview of how you can approach a web mapping project. The remaining lessons will get into the step-by-step details of how you make each part happen.


  • Identify the pieces of hardware and software architecture used in web mapping and describe the role played by each.
  • Recognize the roles of basemaps and thematic layers in a web map, and identify examples of each.
  • Critique the layer construction and architecture of a web map.
  • Log in to the GeoServer administrator page and preview layers.


  • Read all of the Lesson 2 materials.
  • Complete the walkthrough.
  • Complete the Lesson 2 assignment.
  • Read the term project introduction and post your initial idea for the project in the Term Project Proposal drop box.