GEOG 585
Open Web Mapping

WPS, Turf.js, and spatial data processing on the web


Both FOSS and proprietary GIS software offer spatial data processing functions such as buffer, union, contour, interpolate, and so on. You invoked some of these using QGIS and GDAL in earlier lessons. But what if you wanted to allow people to run these functions from a web browser? For example, suppose you wanted to allow users of your web map to draw a polygon and then see a calculation of the total population and number of health clinics within that polygon. You'd be able to expose the GIS to many people without them needing to install any GIS software.

OGC has released a specification for invoking spatial data processing through web services. It's called the Web Processing Service (WPS) specification. Like the other OGC services you've learned about, it offers a set list of operations you can call. These are: GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess, and Execute. Of course, the Execute operation is the one that launches the request to actually perform the processing. The server does the work to process the data and send back the result as a response. GML may be used to transfer information about vector features in either the request or the response.

As you are probably aware from running GDAL and ArcToolbox tools, spatial data processing functions can sometimes require many input parameters. For example, a buffer process might require you to specify the width of the buffer, whether it will be applied to both sides of the feature, whether the ends should be capped or rounded, etc. Each tool has its own set of parameters and syntax for describing them. Because the inputs can be so long and complex (especially if geometry is included), sometimes you can put the inputs in their own XML file and POST them to the server, rather than putting all the parameters into the URL as a GET request like you have seen with WMS and WFS in previous lessons. Some servers and browsers impost limits on the length of an HTTP GET request, whereas HTTP POST requests can typically be much longer.

The WPS spec itself doesn't say which types of spatial data processing operations a WPS must support; that's up to whoever builds and administers the service. There are hundreds of potential operations that can be included. When you first use a WPS, you can invoke the GetCapabilities operation to find out which processes are available.

WPS servers

GeoServer offers a WPS extension that exposes a set of spatial processes from the FOSS JTS Topology Suite, as well as some other processes developed specifically by GeoServer. We will not install this extension in this course, but I encourage you to browse through the documentation if you think that you may use it in your workplace or other academic work.

The Zoo Open WPS Platform and PyWPS are other examples of FOSS WPS implementations. In the proprietary realm, Esri ArcGIS Server can serve a WPS from a ModelBuilder model that you create from ArcToolbox tools or scripts.

WPS clients

A few GUI-based WPS clients are available that allow you to select tools and supply their parameters in text boxes or dropdown lists. QGIS has a WPS plugin that works this way, allowing you to call a WPS from the desktop.

When it comes to invoking a WPS directly from a web application, some web map APIs offer helper classes or libraries that can help you. Leaflet is not one of these (I will get to that in a minute). OpenLayers 2 supports WPS through the use of OpenLayers.WPSClient. When you instantiate this object, you supply the URL of the WPS server. You then set up JavaScript objects containing all the parameters of the process you want to invoke. Finally, you execute the process and specify what should be done with the results.

Even when you use a WPS client plugin, library, or object, you still need to be familiar with the process and its documentation, so that you can supply the correct syntax for the parameters. One mistake in syntax can derail the entire processing operation. Furthermore, WPS servers and clients are often either in the early stages of maturity or are designed for power users who are comfortable with a lack of a GUI and extensive documentation.

Turf.js as a WPS alternative

Many spatial processing operations are rather common, and there is a great desire from GIS web developers to invoke these without the overhead of a WPS. The Turf.js library has gained popularity for allowing geoprocessing directly on GeoJSON vectors in a JavaScript environment. In other words, Turf differs from WPS because the client machine runs the processing code, not the server. Turf was developed at Mapbox, but is free to use and modify under the open MIT license. Operations available through Turf.js include dissolving, unioning, intersecting, buffering, aggregating, calculating centroids, and so forth.

You can download Turf.js to your own machine or access it online via a CDN. Because Turf.js works on GeoJSON, it fits very nicely with Leaflet. Most of the abundant Turf.js developer examples are shown using Mapbox's API (for obvious reasons), but the way you would invoke them from Leaflet is essentially the same. For example, the following snippet is from the Turf.js analysis walkthrough:

  // Using Turf, find the nearest hospital to library clicked
  var nearestHospital = turf.nearest(e.layer.feature, hospitalFeatures);

In this situation, both parameters of the turf.nearest() function are GeoJSON objects: one representing a library building, and another one representing a set of hospital buildings. The function finds the hospital nearest the clicked library and returns it as GeoJSON. Fundamentally, it doesn't matter which API you use to display the output GeoJSON.

Performance considerations

Before implementing any kind of spatial data processing on the web, consider ways that you might preprocess the data in order to eliminate the need for on-the-fly calculations. When you invoke spatial processing on the web, it makes your server busy and increases end-user wait times. In the above example, perhaps the nearest hospital to each library could be precalculated in a desktop GIS environment and stored in the library attribute table. Then your code would just need to read the attribute, rather than performing processing.

There will be some situations where precalculation doesn't make sense due to the wide range of analysis parameters and possibilities you want to expose. For example, if there were 20 different kinds of features that you wanted to allow people to find near a library, or if a person could type in the address of some library not in the original dataset. Therefore, the decision about whether to allow real-time spatial processing should be made on a case-by-case basis.

Implementing spatial data processing in the term project

Unless you already have some previous exposure to WPS, I do not recommend integrating it into your term project given the short amount of time that remains in the course. A Turf.js implementation would be a better fit for the scope of the term project, since it can be implemented fairly quickly with less code.

Neither of these technologies is a requirement for the project, although they may provide useful functionality in many scenarios.