This week's lesson is different from those in previous weeks. Rather than introduce any new material, the idea is to pull together all that we have learned during the course, by critically and constructively evaluating each other's project work.
To do this...
- First, by now, you should already have submitted your project report so that it is readable online by everyone else, and announced the fact on the "Term Project: Final Discussion" forum (if not, you're late! do it NOW!).
- Second, visit the "Term Project: Final Discussion" forum and comment on the completed projects from your group on which you provided commentary way back in Week 5 (the peer review session). You should do this by midnight (Eastern Standard Time) Monday. In your comments, you should identify at least one aspect you really liked about each project and at least one aspect you think could be improved (also saying how it could be improved).
- Third, as soon as comments start to appear on projects, feel free to contribute to the discussions. As discussions proceed, I will also contribute where necessary, and, of course, read what you are all saying. The purpose here is to use this time to reflect on what we have all learned during the course. I am not looking for clever-clever comments on how things could be better, but for considered reflection on the difficulties of doing this kind of work and on how you might approach it differently given more time, better data (what data you would really like to have?), and so on.
From the discussions, I'm hoping for some reassurance that you have all learned some things during the course!
Timely submission of your peer reviews is worth up to 3 points of the total 30 points available for the term-long final project.
I'm also hoping that we all enjoy the discussions and find them useful in reinforcing the knowledge you have acquired through the course overall.
The remaining 12 points for the term-long project will be based on my evaluation of your report and overall performance in this part of the course.
Please use the 'Discussion - General Questions and Technical Help' discussion forum to ask any questions now or at any point during this project.