Please put your write-up, or a link to your write-up, in the Project 6 drop-box.
Summary of Project 6 Deliverables
For Project 6, the minimum items you are required to submit are as follows:
- Make an interpolated map using the inverse distance weighted method. Insert this map into your write-up, along with your commentary on the advantages and disadvantages of this method, and a discussion of why you chose the settings that you did.
- Make a layer showing the error at each location in the interpolated map. You may present this as a contour map over the actual or interpolated data if you prefer. Insert this map into your write-up, along with your commentary describing the spatial patterns of error in this case.
- Make two maps using simple kriging, one with an isotropic semivariogram, the other with an anisotropic semivariogram. Insert these into your write-up, along with your commentary on what you learned from this process. How does an anisotropic semivariogram improve your results?
I suggest that you review the Lesson 6 Overview page to be sure you have completed the all required work for Lesson 6.
That's it for Project 6!