GEOG 850
Location Intelligence for Business

9.0 Introduction to Lesson 9


The ability to generate business intelligence from geolocation information is accelerating at an astonishing pace. This phenomenon is stimulated by the rapid advancement of several complementary technologies which in combination creates more market analytical potential than can be absorbed by businesses. In addition, other contemporary electronic media such as social media giants Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and X (formerly Twitter) enrich their market value by supplementing their main offerings with geo-enabled features for both entertainment and advertisement. Who isn't surprised and then pleased to receive a discount notice from the cupcake shop that we just walked past?

In this lesson, we will explore together a range of technologies that are accelerating the usefulness, span of awareness, and market expansion of geo-location supported businesses. Each advance opens new opportunities for novel consumer retail and industrial business models, which at the same time radically disrupt standard businesses. Our aim is to gain an appreciation for these many new technologies and develop our critical thinking skills so we can identify and evaluate the next set of radical changes that are sure to continue to amaze us in the future.

At the conclusion of Geography, Why It Matters, Murphy describes the connection and importance of geography, knowledge, and an awareness of our environment (2018:p.132).

Geography has important contributions to make to all of these ends. It offers people critical insights into the organziation and character of the world around them, and it allows individuals to understand technologies that are affecting their lives. Geography yields insights that can help students of the discipline understand the changes unfolding around them and learn how to use tools for assessing and adapting to those changes. Moreover, it opens people's eyes and minds to the richness and wonder of the surrounding world; it heightens awareness of - and by extension concern for - distinctive places and environments; and it fosters curiosity that is rewarding in its own right. Geography is, in short, a key to making sense of our increasingly connected, crowded, environmentally fragile, and rapidly changing world.

Learning Objectives

At the successful completion of Lesson 9, you should be able to:

  • define and describe emerging trends/technologies relevant to location intelligence in business settings;
  • research and critically select web-based sources;
  • integrate the foundation of a location intelligence technology with current and future applications;
  • create an effective presentation of your research on a selected location intelligence trend;
  • critique two peers’ Term Project Update Presentations and propose suggestions or improvements for their final reports.

What is due for Lesson 9?

Lesson 9 will take us one week to complete. There are a number of required activities in this lesson listed below. For assignment details, refer to the lesson page noted.

Note: Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates.

Requirements for Lesson 9
9.1 Introduction to Emerging Trends
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content pages and any additional required readings. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Additional required and optional readings are listed on the course content pages.
Deliverable Revise your definition of Location Intelligence in your own words, due Tuesday. (30 pts) Post your definition in Canvas in the Lesson 9.1 - Refined Location Intelligence Definition forum.
9.2 Emerging Trends and Technologies
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content pages and any additional required readings. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Additional required and optional readings are listed on the course content pages.
Do Select ONE from available topics and research. Directions are provided in the course text.
Research addl. source(s) for your topic. Look for resources on the Internet, in industry articles, and in scientific papers.
Deliverable Post your Executive Summary on an Emerging Trends topic, due Tuesday. (40 pts) Post your summary in Canvas on the Lesson 9.2 - Emerging Trends Executive Summary forum.
9.3 Term Project Providing Peer Feedback and Continue Working
Requirements Details Access / Directions
Read Read the course content pages and any additional required readings. Use the Lessons menu or the links below to continue moving through the lesson material.
Additional required and optional readings are listed on the course content pages.
Deliverables Provide feedback to 2 peers on their Term Project – Progress Update Presentation, due Tuesday.

Provide your feedback in Canvas in the Lesson 8 Term Project: Project Update Presentation with Audio forum.

  • Yes, the Lesson 8, forum.

Note: I will review the feedback you provided in the lesson 8 forum and I will post your grade in the Term Project: Project Update Feedback Score.

No Deliverable on your Term Project, continue working to submit at end of Lesson 10. Manage your time wisely.

But first, don't forget to return to your classmates' Term Project Presentations and offer feedback. Use the Term Project Discussion Forum - Peer Feedback on Progress Update located in the Term Project module in Canvas to submit your feedback. You'll find completed Term Project Presentations embedded on the next page of the course text.

Then continue with Lesson 9 . . .