GEOG 850
Location Intelligence for Business

8.4 Term Project - Progress Update Presentation


Having worked through two iterations of your question/case for your term project and several weeks gathering data, analyzing your problem, and preparing maps and reports, it's now time to present the current state of your project to the class for feedback.

This will be a presentation with audio—a video. You may create your video in Powerpoint (insert audio), Google Slides (insert audio), Kaltura (through Canvas), or VoiceThread. The deliverable will be either an attached file or a link to your .mp4, URL, or other formatted video file.


  • Create a 5-7 minute PowerPoint presentation on your term project.
  • Include no more than 5 slides/images/maps/reports.
  • State clearly and concisely your question or case, including situating the geography of the locale in your analysis.
  • Include examples of the kinds of data you are investigating and an overview of your method. (NOTE: You won't have time in this presentation to include every data type or every step--provide your peers and me a good overview. The intention of the presentation is that you will get peer and instructor feedback on your work thus far.)
  • Ensure you cite references appropriately, include a Reference/Bibliography page.
  • You will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    1. clarity and feasibility of your case/question;
    2. clear, concise presentation of ideas/data;
    3. graphics/maps/report excerpts that support your case/question AND are visually clear;
    4. substantive feedback/comments for your peers.

Deliverable (75 pts):

Email a link to me and attach a link in the Canvas to the Term Project Drop Box - Progress Update drop box in the Lesson 8 module.

Due Tuesday 11:59 pm (Eastern Time)
Check the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates.