GEOG 858
Spatial Data Science for Emergency Management

Term Project - Abstract


In Lesson 1, you were introduced to the term project for this class. This week, you will choose one of the project options and decide what your project will cover. Your abstract should be no longer than 400 words. The goal of this exercise is to pave the way for you to write an exemplary term project, therefore, each section of the abstract will be graded on a satisfactory (1 point)/unsatisfactory (0 points) basis. 

Your abstract is worth 6 points and should have the following sections and address these questions:

  • Problem statement – In concise terms, what is your project about?
  • Background – What is the context for your work? 
  • Objectives – What do you aim to achieve/demonstrate?
  • Data and Methods – What data and methods do you anticipate using?
  • Implications – What is the significance of your work? How might it be used in Emergency Management?

This week, I would also like you to set up a time to run your ideas by me. I think this will be particularly important with regard to the data component of your project. I can provide you with some feedback on whether the scope of the work seems too big, too small, or just right, and whether I think you’ll be able to get the data you need. This can be a quick discussion or we can take a bit longer if that is helpful.  

I know it might be challenging to find a time to meet since we are likely in very different time zones - you probably recall I am based in Melbourne, Australia. That said, there will probably be some overlap where we can set up a voice or video call with Zoom or Skype or communicate via chat. I am fine with getting up early or staying up late to overlap with folks. Have a look at the World Clock Meeting Planner where you can put in your location and my location and see the hours of overlap. Then suggest a time you'd like to talk. I am happy to help with this as well.  


Please submit your assignment as a word document to the "Term Project Abstract" dropbox in Canvas. See the Course Calendar in Canvas for specific due dates.


The goal of this exercise is to pave the way for you to write an exemplary term project, therefore, each of the six sections listed above will be graded on a satisfactory (1 point)/unsatisfactory (0 points) basis for a total of 6 points. You will have an opportunity to revise your abstract after receiving my feedback.