8.2.5 Range Slider
A slider control can be an effective means of enabling the user to specify a numeric parameter within a range of possible values. The example below -- based on an Esri sample that appears to no longer be in their SDK -- demonstrates how a range slider can be implemented in an Esri JS app. HTML5 makes it possible to insert a slider onto a page using an input element of type="range", and in fact, an earlier version of the Esri sample displayed the sliders using that element type. However, the example below uses the Slider widget, which was introduced at v4.12 of Esri's API.
See the Pen Slider widget demo by Jim Detwiler (@jimdetwiler) on CodePen.
Initial setup
Two divs are defined in the HTML on lines 25 and 27 of the HTML to serve as placeholders for the two Slider widgets. The widget objects themselves are created early in the JS code, on lines 25-53. The min and max property settings should be self-explanatory. The steps attribute specifies how much the slider value can be incremented when it is dragged, relative to its min value. Here, a step of 100 and a min of 0 means that the slider can take on values of 0, 100, 200, etc. If the min were changed to 50, possible values would be 50, 150, 250, etc. The values property specifies the positions on the slider where "thumbs" should be placed. Each of the sample's sliders has a single thumb, but the widget allows for defining multiple thumbs (say, to enable the user to specify a range of quake magnitudes instead of just a minimum magnitude as the sample is written).
Getting the slider value
Also near the top of the JS code, references are obtained to the UI's dropdown list and button using the getElementById() method we've seen in the previous samples. A listener is set up for the button's click event on lines 224-226, which specifies that a click on the button should trigger execution of a function called queryEarthquakes(). That function (which begins on line 228) creates a Query object that looks for features in an earthquake layer that have a magnitude value greater than or equal to what the user specified through the magnitude slider. We talked about queries in the last lesson, so that’s not my focus here. What I want you to focus on is that the slider's value is obtained simply by reading its values property (the same property that was used to define the initial thumb position). An index of [0] is specified here to get the only thumb value, but keep in mind that you would also need to specify an index of [1] if as suggested above you allowed the user to define a range of desired values. The single user-selected magnitude value is then used to set the Query's where property, That constraint combined with the well buffer distance ultimately determines which earthquakes will be added to the map as Graphic objects by the displayResults() function.