If you've taken my other programming classes, I apologize for once again dredging up this scenario! In the project that you'll submit for grading this week, you are required to create a map that displays the locations of the four candidate cities from that scenario. You will depict these sites using a custom ice cream cone icon. Here are the detailed instructions:
- Download a shapefile of the candidate cities and the ice cream cone image.
- Load the shapefile into ArcMap and obtain the latitude/longitude coordinates for the four sites. One way to do this would be to click on the sites using the Identify tool and copy/paste the coordinates of your click as reported by the tool. Be sure the data frame's Display units are set to Decimal Degrees.
- Modify the createMarker() function from earlier in the lesson so that it creates an icon using the provided image. You should set the icon and shape properties of the MarkerOptions object.
- An info window should open when a marker is clicked. This info window should contain the name of the (fictional) city in bold. Beneath the name, you should list its population in normal print.
- This project does not require the plotting of lines or polygons.
- Because there are only four cities to depict, it is OK to hard-code their coordinates and info window text in the body of the script. We'll discuss how to work with larger datasets in more practical ways in the next lesson.
This project is one week in length. Please refer to the course Calendar, in Canvas, for the due date.
- Post the map of Jen and Barry's candidate cities to your e-portfolio. (80 of 100 points)
- Below the map, include some reflection on what you learned from the lesson and/or any concepts that you found to be confusing (minimum 200 words). (20 of 100 points)
- Click on the Assignment 4 Submission link in Canvas to submit a link to your project page (a link to your e-portfolio index page is OK too, if it contains a link to your project).
- Complete the Lesson 4 quiz.