GEOG 865
Cloud and Server GIS

Term project video instructions


As part of your term project, you're required to submit a video demonstration that you record using screen capturing software such as Zoom, Screencastomatic, Adobe Captivate, etc. 

Please review the Term Project Rubric to get an idea of what elements are required in the video.

Please attempt to host this online somewhere in a location such as a Box folder, blog, or website so that the instructor can view it using a simple URL. If all else fails, you can send the instructor a compiled .mp4 or other similar video file compatible with common media playing software.

If you are really happy with your video, I encourage you to make it public on YouTube or a similar video sharing site. A demonstration of what you can do with cloud and server GIS can be an excellent part of your portfolio. One of its advantages is that it remains accessible even when the server instance is not.

If you have questions about how to make videos, please post them on the Technical Discussion Forum in Canvas.