Assignment #3 - Assemble Project Team
Assignment #3 Overview
Submittal: See Canvas Calendar for Submittal Date
Target Word Count: 1,200-2,000 words (this is just a target to provide a general idea on the level of detail)
Total Points: 40 points - see rubric for specific details
For Assignment #3, you are the project manager for the GIS contractor chosen to carry out the City of Metropolis Geodatabase Design and Development project. You will assemble a project team (the contractor's project team) for the City of Metropolis Geodatabase Development Project. You can assume that your company has already been selected by the City—that is, your company and other companies have submitted proposals in response to the City’s RFP and your proposal was determined to be the most responsive and was formally selected to do the work. Now you, as the contractor’s project manager, have been asked by the City’s project manager (Lucille Geodata) to present information about your project team—the people and their roles for the project.
Your Submittal for Assignment #3
Take a look at the City of Metropolis RFP—particularly the summary of major work elements (subsection 1.2) and expectations on project team roles in 2.3.5. Use the material that you have reviewed in this lesson to identify team members with positions and skills needed to carry out the project work. Assume that the necessary staff are already employees of your firm and are available to work on this project. Since you are taking the role of the contracted company, you should make up a company name and refer to this in your assignment. This assignment identifies and describes members of the contractor's team, NOT any of the City's project team members.
The content for this Assignment consists of an introductory explanation and background of the project. This project introduction does not need to be lengthy but should contain enough detail to explain the project background (based on City RFP), a summary of the project scope and deliverables, overview of the responsibilities of the City Team and the contractor, and mention that this contractor team information is being submitted in response to a request from the City's Project Manager. it is a good idea to put in a list and brief description of all project deliverables (from the RFP). In other words, provide enough detail to provide context to understand the project work and the role of people in the contractor team table. Then, prepare a table that presents a summary of the contractor’s (your company’s) project team members (not the City’s project team). Content in this table should include:
- Name of the team member
- Project functional title (e.g., “Project Manager”, "GIS Analyst", "GIS Database Specialist", "GIS Application Developer" “Field Data Collector”)
- Hourly billable rate*
- Description of project role and duties: text information of each team member’s assigned work on the project. Be as complete as possible--citing roles associated with the deliverables shown in Table 2 of RFP. Make sure you describe all duties and responsibilities to complete all project work and carry out ongoing management and communication activities.
*Select hourly billable rates to the best of your ability. In practice, billable rates, which cover all company employee compensation and overhead, do vary by company, region of the country, and type of project. Assume that the project manager rate will be in the range of $100 to $175 per hour and the field data collection personnel will be about $40 to $50 per hour (higher for a field data collection supervisor). Rates for other project roles (e.g., database design, application development) will fall between these ranges.
You should include a Cover Page with a prominent title and all necessary information identifying the course, assignment, author, and date. The main title of the document should be "CONTRACTOR PROJECT TEAM". The Cover Page should also reference "City of Metropolis" and the full project name. At the bottom of the Cover Page (right side is best), include the course name and number, assignment number, your name, and date.
NOTE: Include a made-up name for your company. Remember that your company has already been selected by the City. The contractor team information does not need to include qualifications or marketing information for your team--just a clear description of role and duties in the project for each team member.
There is no single ideal size for the project team. The number of people on the team and their mix of skills and roles needs to be adequate to carry out all work on the project in a reasonable period of time. As a general rule, it is best to keep the team as small as possible, as long as it has enough people with management and technical skills and clearly defined roles to perform the work. For a project like this, a team size of about 6 to 10 people is appropriate. Some team members may have multiple roles.
Refer to the grading rubric below for guidelines on expected content and format.
Assignment Submittal and Grading
See the Canvas Calendar for the submittal date. Grading information and the grading rubric is below.
This assignment is worth 40 points. The grading approach is explained in the table below.
The instructor may deduct points if the Assignment is turned in late unless a late submittal has been approved by the Instructor prior to the Assignment submittal date.
Grading Category | Basis for Scoring | Total Possible Points |
A. Appropriateness of Identified positions |
12 |
B. Overall Document Organization |
8 |
C. Quality/ Clarity of Writing | Writing quality and clarity refers to how well and effectively words and sentences convey meaning relative to the required topics for this assignment. Specifically, this covers:
12 |
D. Format Quality | Grading evaluates how well the document formatting helps convey content and meaning to the reader and supports efficient flow and navigation for the reader. Important format parameters include:
8 |