Required Reading
Read Lowenthal's Chapter 6: "Analysis" in Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy.
As you read this chapter, do some critical thinking and ask yourself:
- Lowenthal says that while collection is the bedrock of intelligence, analysis is the mainstay of the process. If this is so, then why is there such a resource imbalance between collection and analysis?
- Pay close attention to the discussion of analyst training. Are there special issues for the training of geospatial analysts versus other analysts? Consider the difference between education and training. The NGA College and Penn State were able to work together because they recognized that while the NGA College trains analysts, academic programs such as this one educate analysts. What is the difference, and why are both education and training important? Do other analysts need both education and training?
- Traditional imagery analysis included the disciplines of remote sensing and imagery interpretation. Geospatial intelligence leverages all aspects of geographic information science including remote sensing, GIS, GPS, and cartography. Does Lowenthal's traditional discussion of IMINT reflect this? How does this impact geospatial analysis and dissemination?
- How does analytical stove piping affect geospatial intelligence analysis? What are some solutions to overcome this issue?
Knowledge Check
Prepare for the quiz answering the following questions.