GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

3.3 Academic Paper Assignment Details



Write an academic paper comparing and contrasting the required readings; Huntington, Said, Walt, and at least two supporters of Huntington's idea, and then articulate and defend your own evaluation and judgement of the Huntington discourse (do you agree or disagree with him and why?) Your judgement is not your personal opinion.  Your judgement must logically derive from your analysis and evaluation of your source material.

Your paper should utilize all of the content included in this lesson and be:  

  • Concise (1000 words plus/minus 10%) 
  • well organized with an introductory paragraph that clearly states your purpose and outlines the supporting points you will be addressing for your audience
  • properly formatted 
  • written in the third person and active voice 
  • uses correct citations and bibliographic references 
  • is generally correct in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation 


Please submit your reflection paper in Microsoft Word Format using the following file naming convention: Lastname_Firstname_Paper_1.doc 


Please see Canvas for the Lesson 3 - GRADED Paper (#1) Rubric that will be used to assess your work.