GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence



You should complete the Orientation during the first week of the semester if you don't do it in the week prior to the beginning of the semester. To get started with the course, please follow the required steps below. Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates. Specific directions for the assignments below can be found within this Orientation.

Complete the following steps to complete the Orientation:

  • Review the Syllabus. This course orientation will complement and expand on the information provided on our syllabus. A link to the syllabus is also located in the main navigation bar.
  • Read and work through the Orientation in this website.
  • Complete the Initial Course Survey in Canvas to help us learn more about your expectations for this course.
  • Set up communications in Canvas.
  • Post a personal introduction to the Personal Introductions Discussion Forum in Canvas, introducing yourself to the instructor and your fellow classmates. (Note: some class sections will be using Flipgrid for certain assignments in place of the Canvas forum. Your instructor will specify this in an email/announcement.")
  • View the trailer for the Geospatial Revolution Series (located on the Summary and Final Tasks page of the Orientation).