GEOG 497
3D Modeling and Virtual Reality

1.2 Adding Flood Map Layer and Understanding the Attributes


1.2 Adding Flood Map Layer and Understanding the Attributes

  1. Click the Map tab to return to your 2D map.
  2. Turn off Smoothed_DEM.
  3. Turn on UP_BUILDINGS.
  4. Click add data. and from Lesson6.gdb, add FLD_HAZ_FEMA layer. Make sure it is located below UP_BUILDINGS in the Contents Pane.
  5. Click to modify symbology. Under the Appearance tab, select Symbology and choose Unique Values.

    Screenshot of appearance, symbology menu, with unique values selected.
    Credit: ArcGIS, 2021
  6. As you have learned in previous lessons, symbolize your layers based on FLD_ZONE to have good visualization of various values. Remove the outline for values.

    Screenshot of unique values
    Credit: 2019 ArcGIS
  7. Zoom to UP_BUILDING layer. You should have a clear visualization of floodways with different categories.

    Screenshot of campus map showing various floodways.
    Credit: ChoroPhronesis Lab

Based on FEMA’s information3, categories A, AE, and AO are all 1-percent-annual-chance flood. A is determined using approximate methodologies. AE is created based on detailed methods. Finally, AO represents shallow flooding where average flood depths are between 1 to 3 feet. X represent areas that are not in a floodway. For this study, you are going to consider all three A, AE, and AO layers as one floodway category.