Materials In Today's World

Reading Assignment


Things to consider...

When you read this chapter, use the following questions to guide your reading. Remember to keep the learning objectives listed on the previous page in mind as you learn from this text.

  • What are the four possible electron band structures for solid materials?
  • What effect does the electron band structure have on the electrical conduction of a material?
  • What is a p–n junction, and how does it rectify current?
  • What are the concepts of nanotechnology as it applies to materials?

Reading Assignment

  1. Read pp 323-347 (Ch. 15) in Introduction to Materials ebook
  2. The following readings are available in Canvas.
  • Pages 245 to 251 (Chapter 32) of Materials in Today's World by Peter Thrower and Thomas Mason.
  • Pages 253 to 255 (Chapter 33) of Materials in Today's World by Peter Thrower and Thomas Mason.