The environment can have a large deteriorative effect on materials over time, including corrosion and degradation. For biomaterials, the materials have the additional condition for the use of having to be able to survive the unique environment of biological systems. In this lesson, we explore issues around biomaterials including structural requirements, functional requirements, biocompatibility, and ethical concerns.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
- Distinguish between biological, biomaterials, bio-based materials, and biomimetic materials.
- Explain the differences between structural and functional biomaterials.
- List and discuss several examples of structural biomaterials applications.
- List and discuss several examples of functional biomaterials applications.
- Identify moral and societal issues involved in the usage of biomaterials.
- Explain the connection between smart materials and biological systems.
Lesson Roadmap
Lesson 11 will take us one week to complete. Please refer to Canvas for specific due dates.
To Read | Read the Biomaterials pages in Canvas under Lesson 11, plus the few pages included here. |
To Watch | Making Stuff: Smarter |
To Do | Lesson 11 Quiz |
If you have general questions about the course content or structure, please post them to the General Questions and Discussion forum in Canvas. If your question is of a more personal nature, feel free to send a message to all faculty and TAs through Canvas email. We will check daily to respond.