1 |
- correctly use significant figures, dimensions, and units
- solve simple problems using integral and differential calculus
- prepare and use a course Excel workbook for course calculations
2 |
- use the fundamental gas laws—Ideal Gas Law and Dalton’s Law—to determine the relative densities of different air masses
- derive the hydrostatic equilibrium equation from force balance to show why atmospheric pressure decreases with height
- use the 1st Law of Thermodynamics and conservation of energy (i.e., adiabatic processes) to explain air parcel temperature changes
- determine stability for different dry environmental temperature profiles
- calculate buoyancy and vertical velocity with time
3 |
- differentiate among the different ways that moisture can be expressed and choose the correct one for finding an answer to a given problem
- explain the meaning of the lines and spaces on a water vapor phase diagram
- calculate relative humidity using the Clausius–Clapeyron Equation
- solve energy problems related to temperature and phase changes
- demonstrate proficiency with using the skew-T diagram to find the lifting condensation level (LCL), potential temperature, relative humidity, wetbulb temperature, dry and moist adiabats, and equivalent potential temperature
4 |
- explain the role that each atmospheric constituent plays in atmospheric structure and weather
- identify changes in minor and trace gas amounts and the impacts these changes have on the atmosphere
- explain how the atmosphere cleanses itself, using methane as an example
- use chemical equations to show how ozone is formed in the stratosphere and the troposphere and how they differ
- diagram the lifecycle of aerosol particles with an emphasis on their role in weather
5 |
- identify cloud types
- describe the essentials for cloud formation
- on a Koehler curve, explain the behavior of a particle in different supersaturation environments
- explain the lifecycle of cloud formation through precipitation
6 |
- identify the causes of changing solar radiation on Earth
- calculate properties of the spectrum of solar and Earth radiation in terms of the Planck function
- calculate the absorption between you and a light source
- explain why the sky looks blue and hazy in the summer
7 |
- demonstrate the effects of infrared absorbers on Earth’s temperature using a simple model
- explain the concept of radiative–convective equilibrium
- determine what a satellite is seeing by interpreting the observed spectrum of upwelling infrared radiation
8 |
- calculate partial derivatives
- implement vector notation, the dot product, the cross product, and the del operator
- explain the different coordinate systems and how they are used
- convert between math and meteorological wind directions
- calculate temperature advection at any point on a map of isotherms (lines of constant temperature) and wind vectors
9 |
- identify regions of convergence, divergence, positive vorticity, and negative vorticity on a weather map
- calculate the strength of the different flow types from observations
- relate vertical motion to horizontal convergence and divergence
10 |
- explain mass conservation physically, recognize the mass conservation equation, and memorize its form when density is constant
- state the three main conservation laws in atmospheric science: the conservation of mass, the conservation of momentum, and the conservation of energy
- name and explain the three fundamental (real) forces in the atmosphere (gravity, pressure gradient, and friction)
- name and explain the two new (apparent) forces that emerge when momentum conservation is written in the rotating reference frame
- draw the balance of forces for geostrophic flow, gradient flow, geostrophic flow with friction, and cyclostrophic flow
- explain why midlatitude winds are westerly
11 |
- draw the PBL and its diurnal variation
- perform Rayleigh averaging on an equation and derive an equation for the turbulent parts
- explain kinematic fluxes
- show vertical motion using eddy fluxes
- explain turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and its behavior
- sketch the surface energy budget for different conditions
12 |
- explain the physical and chemical phenomena that are responsible for an observation of the atmosphere
- demonstrate your mastery of the course learning objectives