MNG 230
Introduction to Mining Engineering

Module 7 Summary


Module 7 Summary

Blasting is an important part of almost every mining method, and the responsibility to design a safe and effective blasting pattern lies with the mining engineer. There are a variety of blasting agents and technologies available to accomplish the task, but they must be selected and applied correctly. As we saw, blasting is both an art and a science. The science guides our design, but in the end, experience and judgment will allow us to optimize the outcome. Importantly, we saw that the skill of the drillers and blasters will affect the outcome of the blast. Errors or carelessness in drilling and loading, for example, can cause terrible outcomes. Changes in the local geology can quickly change the outcome of the blast, and these changes are usually not for the better!  It is therefore essential that the mining engineer follow up on a regular basis to inspect the outcome of the blasts, and to make changes to the design or implementation. The cost of drilling and blasting is significant, and you will want to take steps to ensure that you are controlling these costs. Do not forget, however, that your blasting practice can significantly influence your overall productivity by affecting other auxiliary and unit operations ground control to loading. Inspection, measurement, and calculation of your blasting outcomes, on a frequent and regular basis, is important!