- 1. Overview
- 2. Scale
- 3. Scale as Scope
- 4. Map and Photo Scale
- 5. Graphic Map Scales
- 6. Map Scale and Accuracy
- 7. Scale as a Verb
- 8. Geospatial Measurement Scales
- 9. Coordinate Systems
- 10. Geographic Coordinate System
- 11. Geographic Coordinate Formats
- 12. Horizontal Datums
- 13. Geoids
- 14. Ellipsoids
- 15. Control Points and Datum Shifts
- 16. Coordinate Transformations
- 17. Plane Coordinate Transformations
- 18. Datum Transformations
- 19. Map Projections
- 20. UTM Coordinate System
- 21. The UTM Grid and Transverse Mercator Projection
- 22. UTM Zone Characteristics
- 23. National Grids
- 24. State Plane Coordinate System
- 25. The SPC Grid and Map Projections
- 26. SPC Zone Characteristics
- 27. Map Projections
- 28. Geometric Properties Preserved and Distorted
- 29. Classifying Projection Methods
- 30. Summary
- 31. Bibliography