PNG 301
Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Instructor Information


Dr. Gregory R. King

Greg King

Dr. Gregory R. King is a Professor of Practice at The Pennsylvania State University. Prior to his appointment at Penn State, Dr. King was a Reservoir Engineering Consultant with the Chevron Corporation where he held multiple domestic and international positions during his 32-year career.

Dr. King holds B.S., M.S., and Ph. D. degrees in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. He is a co-author of the 2001 SPE Textbook on Reservoir Simulation, “Basic Applied Reservoir Simulation” and has authored or co-authored over 35 publications, technical papers, and encyclopedia articles in the areas of reservoir simulation, probabilistic history matching, reservoir management, reservoir characterization and surveillance, improved oil recovery, and unconventional gas recovery. In 2014, Dr. King was awarded the Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Regional Reservoir Dynamics and Description Award for the Russia and Caspian Region and in 1997 was recognized as a Centennial Fellow from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at The Pennsylvania State University.

Dr. King started his career with Chevron in 1984 where he performed numerous reservoir evaluation studies including studies of super-giant oilfields in Eurasia and the Middle East and giant oilfields in the North Sea and offshore West Africa. He has been a technical editor for the SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Journal from 1992 to the present; was the chairman for the Recovery Mechanisms and Flow in Porous Media sub-committee for the 2010 SPE ATCE in Florence, Italy; has been on the organizing committee of over ten conferences, workshops, and fora; was the SPE Golden Gate Section Program Chair Person in 1994-1995; and was a keynote speaker at the International Forum on Reservoir Simulation in 2003.

At The Pennsylvania State University, Dr. King teaches classes at the senior and graduate levels on Secondary Recovery, Reservoir Simulation, and Energy Business and Project Economics.