You will have two weeks to complete Lesson 3.
Lesson 3 is very extensive, and you will have two weeks to read through the lesson and complete the associated assignments. Please use your time wisely and don't let yourself fall behind; you will need the extra week to work your way effectively through the material.
Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates.
Petroleum engineers working in the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry must perform their analyses on the known properties of the reservoirs and reservoir fluids associated with the oil and gas fields they are tasked to manage. The properties that these petroleum professionals are most likely to use during their careers are:
- Rock properties
- Fluid properties
- Oil properties
- Gas properties
- Water properties
- Rock-Fluid interaction properties
These data are required for most routine calculations and are typically obtained with field or laboratory measurements. In cases where these data are unavailable due to time or cost constraints, industry accepted correlations are available for generating missing data. For detailed analyses, measured data are preferred; however, data from correlations serve a vital role of generating data for quick, low cost analyses. In this lesson, we will discuss the data used in petroleum engineering analyses. We will discuss what data are available, how the data are used in the field, how the data are measured in the field or laboratory, and what correlations are available to supplement missing data.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson you should be able to:
- identify the units used in the oil and gas industry;
- list the data used by petroleum engineers on a daily basis during their careers;
- list the sources (field, laboratory, or derived from correlations) of these data;
- explain the basics of the field and laboratory procedures used to obtain these data;
- list and discuss the assumptions behind the field and laboratory measurements;
- calculate required data from raw laboratory or field measurements;
- calculate required data from industry standard correlations;
- describe the relationships and dependencies of the data;
- integrate rock, fluid, and rock-fluid interaction data to perform basic analyses, such as storage and flow rate calculations; and
- discuss the concept of fluid saturations and how these saturations impact storage and production of oil and gas.
Lesson 3 Checklist
To Read | Read the Lesson 3 online material | Click the Oilfield Measures and Units link below to continue reading the Lesson 3 material |
To Do | Lesson 3 Problem Set | Submit your solutions to the Lesson 3 Problem Set assignment in Canvas |
Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates.
If you have questions, please feel free to post them to the Course Q&A Discussion Board in Canvas. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help a classmate.