Answer the following problems, and submit your answers to the drop box in Canvas that has been created for this module.
Please note:
- Your answers must be submitted in the form of a Microsoft Word document.
- Include your Penn State Access Account user ID in the name of your file (for example, "module2_abc123.doc").
- The due date for this assignment will be sent to the class by e-mail in Canvas.
- Your grade for the assignment will appear in the drop box approximately one week after the due date.
- You can access the drop box for this module in Canvas by clicking on the Lessons tab, and then locating the drop box on the list that appears.
Problem Set
Under what conditions should a real gas behave as an ideal gas?
Can we manufacture an ideal gas?
- Write a paragraph on what you think we should do with the ideal gas equation to make it applicable to real gases. Describe all the considerations that you feel must be accounted for.