This lesson introduces physical processes, including advection, diffusion, and dispersion processes, in 1D system. This is the first time in this course that we introduce the space dimension. An example will be shown about how to set up a one-dimentional (1D) flow and transport simulation in a homogeneous column in CrunchFlow.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
- Understand the definition of advective, diffusive, and dispersive transpor;
- Grasp the meaning of the one-dimentional advection-dispersion equation (ADE);
- Comprehend the important parameters and the application of dimensionless numbers (Péclet number) in unifying different observations;
- Understand what controls the shape of tracer breakthrough curves;
- Simulate 1D flow and transport of non-reactive tracers using CrunchFlow.
Lesson Roadmap
Required Readings |
Optional Reading (if phreeqc) |
To Do |
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