About the Course Website


This site includes the majority of the instructional materials for this class. There are a few things you should know about this website.

How the Website is Organized

This site uses a menu to organize content:

  • Syllabus - The Syllabus is a complete outline of the course. Read it carefully, as it will serve as our course "contract."
  • Orientation - You are currently in the Orientation. It provides an introduction to the instructor, the learning environments, the technical requirements, and information on how to succeed in an online class.
  • Lessons - The Lessons tab is where the bulk of the course learning material can be found. Each lesson contains an introduction, reading assignments, links, assessments, etc.
  • Canvas - The Canvas tab takes you directly to your Canvas home page.
  • Resources - The Resources tab includes a list of a variety of resources which may be of use to you while taking this course, including whom to contact for assistance.

How to Print a Lesson or Page

  • To print an entire lesson, you must be on the top-level page for that lesson and then select the "Print" link.
  • To print a single page, go to the page you want to print and select the printer-friendly version link.
  • WARNING: many pages contain required videos, animations, and links that will not work in print mode, so please do not rely on the printed lessons for all of your learning.

How to Communicate on this Website

You will be asked to post comments, questions, and responses directly on some content pages throughout the course. You can also request to be notified of subsequent posts by "subscribing" to these pages.

  • Start by logging in to the website. Use your Penn State User Id and Password to do so.
  • To post a comment, scroll down to the text box under "Post new comment" and begin typing in the text box, or you can choose to reply to an existing thread.
  • When you are finished typing, click on either the "preview" or "post" button (post will actually submit your comment).
  • Once your comment is posted, you will be able to edit or delete it as needed. In addition, you will be able to reply to other posts at any time. The first few words of each comment becomes its "title" in the thread. So, make those first three words count!


Take a moment right now to post a personal introduction including your name, why you are interested in this class and what you do when you're not taking this course.

Don't see the "Add new comment" area below? You need to be logged in to this site first! Do so by using the Login button. Once you have logged in, you may need to refresh the page in order to see the comment area below.