EMSC 302
Orientation to Energy and Sustainability Policy

Library Literacy


Library Literacy

Image of Pattee and Paterno Library Sign in front of library entrance
Penn State's Pattee & Paterno Libraries
Credit: Penn State Libraries

This lesson will include our embedded librarians. You may see an announcement from the librarian(s) at some point this week.  The librarians work on campus at the Paterno Library, but may be dedicated to World Campus courses and helping online learners get the most out of the Penn State library system.

There are so many resources available to you as a Penn State student. The library system is robust and comes with services other than just providing research materials. This lesson is intended to help you better understand how to use our library and its services more effectively.

Ask A Librarian

Library Assignments

The library staff have created lessons to develop library skills and proficiencies for Penn State students. Each module requires that you submit evidence of learning. If you’ve completed the learning module and the evidence submitted meets the librarian’s satisfaction, you’ll earn credit for the assignment.

You will cover the following topics:

  • Lionsearch - A tool that searches all of the library’s resources and provides results in a variety of formats.
  • Evaluating Information - Become an expert at evaluating the credibility of information, specifically information found online, using research tools and markers of authority.
  • In-Text Citation - Learn about plagiarism and copyright and why citation is important!