EMSC 302
Orientation to Energy and Sustainability Policy

Lesson Overview


Lesson Overview

The Penn State Library system is one of the most powerful tools you have access to as a Penn State student. From accessing scholarly research to learning how to cite properly, the Library provides a wealth of information and services that you’ll grow to appreciate as you make your way through the ESP program. In this lesson, you will complete a series of assignments designed by the Penn State Librarians.

Additionally, we will discuss Academic Integrity. What does it mean, and why is it important?

What will we learn?

By the end of the Lesson, you should be able to:

  • use the PSU library to research topics;
  • get help with library resources;
  • use Lionsearch, know how to evaluate information, and how to utilize in-text citations;
  • describe what academic integrity is and why it is important.

What will be due?

Each topic area (LionSearch, Evaluating Information, and In-Text Citations) has specific assignments where you will submit “evidence” to the librarian to prove you have completed the module.

Refer to the Activities page for more information on the assessments for this lesson.


If you have any questions, please post to the Canvas Discussion Forum in the Helpful Resources module called Have A Question? Ask it here! or e-mail the instructor (if the question is personal in nature).