Exercise 10 Instructions
- Draw a block flow diagram for a petroleum refinery that includes three different separation processes, five different conversion processes along with one or more finishing processes, and one supporting process to produce altogether nine commercial fuels and materials from a sour crude oil. Clearly label all the feedstocks, processes, and products on your diagram including the type of process (separation, conversion, finishing, and support) and the intermediate products. Make sure that all processes are correctly connected. Write down the principal objectives of this refinery. 60 pts
- Draw a block flow diagram for a petroleum refinery to maximize the diesel fuel yield from a paraffinic crude oil. In your flow diagram, include only the processes that are absolutely necessary for maximum diesel yield and make sure that the whole crude is converted completely to commercial (sellable) products in this refinery. 40 pts
Special Note:
You may use PowerPoint to draw the diagrams, or scan neatly hand-drawn diagrams and submit as a PDF to the Assignment.
Instructions for Submitting Response:
Once you have a solution to the exercises you will submit your answers as a PDF by uploading your file to be graded.
Please follow the instructions below.
- Find the Exercise 10 assignment in the Lesson 11 Module by either clicking Next until you find it or by clicking Assignments and scrolling down until you find it.
- Make sure that your name is in the document title before uploading it to the correct assignment (i.e. Lesson11_Exercise10_Tom Smith).