Outline of a "Typical" GEOG 862 Week
In order to work through all of the course materials and activities together and in an "orderly fashion," we follow a set schedule each week. Yes, you will have the flexibility to work on the course on your own time, but you will be responsible for meeting set date/time requirements within the confines of a given week.
For most weeks, a similar format will be followed:
You will read a selection of book chapters and/or papers. All of the papers will be available via the checklist page (page 2) in a lesson.
Next, you will be expected to post comments and/or questions about the assigned readings and lectures in a structured threaded discussion. You are welcome to respond to someone else's posting, or to start a new "thread" yourself.
- Throughout the course, with guidance from your instructor, you will also be expected to work on a total of two papers and three quizzes. Notification of these papers and quizzes will take place in the lesson and the calendar.
About the Orientation
In addition to introducing some core concepts for this course, the orientation also serves as your guide to the structure of the course and to our online learning environment.
At the successful completion of the Course Orientation, students should be able to:
- navigate between this course text and the Canvas course management system;
- articulate your expectations about how and what you will learn in your online course;
- understand how and what instructors expect you to learn in your online course;
- locate key information about the course, including assignments, due dates, technical information, places to get help, and course policies;
- understand course policies, including academic integrity; and
- communicate with instructors and fellow students.
The next page in this lesson outlines the steps you need to perform to successfully complete this orientation.
If you have any questions now or at any point during this week, please feel free to post them to the Orientation Questions forum. (To access the forum, return to Canvas and look inside the Lesson 0: Orientation and Resources module.) While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help out a classmate.