GEOG 862
GPS and GNSS for Geospatial Professionals

GEOG 862 Syllabus (Fall 2020)


This syllabus is divided into several sections. You can read it sequentially by scrolling down the length of the document. That being said, it is essential that you read the entire document as well as material covered in the Course Orientation. Together these serve the role of our course "contract."


Instructor Jan Van Sickle

Jan Van Sickle

Senior Lecturer

2217 Earth & Engineering Sciences
University Park, PA 16802
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University

  • Phone: (303) 915-4669 (The country code for the United States is 1)
  • Email: Please use the course email system (see the Inbox link in Canvas)
  • Availability: Students are welcome to contact me by email anytime; I usually am able to respond within 24 hours. Although email correspondence is preferred, students may also contact me by telephone at the number above from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday through Friday, U.S. Eastern Time.

Course Overview

GEOG 862: GPS AND GNSS FOR GEOSPATIAL PROFESSIONALS. Cultivates a working knowledge of current and future capabilities of GPS and the emerging Global Navigation Satellite System.
Prerequisites - GEOG 484

The Global Positioning System (GPS) and the wider Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) include constellations of earth-orbiting satellites that broadcast their locations in space and time, a network of ground control stations, and military and civilian receivers that calculate ground positions by trilateration. Geospatial professionals need to possess a working knowledge of current and future GPS and GNSS capabilities because satellite positioning is so prevalent in geographic information systems (GIS) applications in government, industry, and academia.

GPS has always been a dual use system, military and civilian. From the beginning, GPS signals have been available with no direct user fees. GNSS has built on those concepts and added some new ones. GPS and GNSS are used now in all of transportation—aviation, maritime, railroad, highway and mass transit. Satellite positioning also plays critical roles in telecommunications, land surveying, law enforcement, emergency response, precision agriculture, mining, finance, and scientific research. It controls computer networks, air traffic, power grids, and so on. As the scope of satellite positioning has expanded, the systems continue to evolve.

What will be expected of you?

Like any graduate level course, you will be challenged to move beyond the knowledge and skills that you bring to the class. You can expect to be busy; as a rough estimate, you should allow 10-12 hours per week for class assignments. Included in the 10-12 hours each week is time to complete projects and related activities. You'll be glad to know that you don't have to show up for class at a certain time! All you need to do is complete assignments before the published deadline at the end of each week.

During the term, I encourage everyone to use the class message boards, chat rooms or email to help each other find relevant materials and learn about interesting applications of open web mapping. I can always be contacted via class email and will check my account daily during the week (and typically at least once each weekend). If I am traveling, I may check somewhat less frequently, but I will alert you of this beforehand.

My colleagues and I have worked hard to make this the most effective and convenient educational experience possible. How much and how well you learn is ultimately up to you. You will succeed if you are diligent about keeping up with the class schedule, and if you take advantage of opportunities to communicate with me, as well as with your fellow students.

For a more detailed look at what will be covered in each lesson, as well as due dates for our assignments and activities, please refer to the semester-specific course schedule that is part of this syllabus (see "Course Schedule").

Course Objectives

At the successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • demonstrate a clear understanding of the GPS signal, codes and biases
  • discuss the practical applications of GPS and the implications of its modernization
  • be aware of some of the opportunities afforded by the coming GNSS systems
  • explain the difficulties inherent in determining heights with satellite positioning and how they can be overcome
  • describe the differences between relative and autonomous GPS positioning, code phase carrier phase, DGPS and RTK

Required Course Materials

In order to take this course, you need to have the required course materials listed below.  All (other) materials needed for this course are presented online through our course website and in Canvas. In order to access the online materials, you need to have an active Penn State Access Account user ID and password (used to access the on-line course resources). If you have any questions about obtaining or activating your Penn State Access Account, please contact the Outreach Helpdesk. They can be reached at 1-800-252-3592 in the US or internationally at 814-865-5403 (country code 1). You may reach them by email at

You can purchase course materials from the vendor of your choice or from MBS Direct (the bookstore used by Penn State's World Campus). For pricing and ordering information, please see MBS Direct. MBS Direct can also be contacted at 1-800-325-3252. Materials will be available at MBS Direct approximately three weeks before the course begins. Be sure to order early enough to allow for shipping and installation prior to the course start date

The required material you need to purchase is:

  • Van Sickle, Jan (2015) GPS for Land Surveyors, 4th Ed. CRC Press. (ISBN: 978-1-4665-8310-8)

Using the Library

Just like on-campus students, as a Penn State student you have a wealth of library resources available to you!

As a registered user of Penn State Libraries, you can...

  • search for journal articles (many are even immediately available in full-text)
  • request articles that aren't available in full-text and have them delivered electronically
  • borrow books and other materials and have them delivered to your doorstep
  • access materials that your instructor has put on Electronic Reserve
  • talk to reference librarians in real time using chat, phone, and email
  • ...and much more!

Assignments and Grading

Students earn grades that reflect the extent to which they achieve the learning objectives listed above. Opportunities to demonstrate learning include the following, and grades will be based on points assigned to each of several components of the course as follows:

  • Class participation: Individual participation via online discussion (30%)
  • Quizzes: Three quizzes will be held to test the students' comprehension of class materials and other reading as required (33%)
  • Papers: Two writing assignments will assess the students' understanding of two separate topics from the course (37%)
Letter Grade and Corresponding Percentages
Letter Grade Percentages
A 90-100%
A- 87.5-89.9%
B+ 85-87.4%
B 80-84.9%
B- 77.5-79.9%
C+ 75-77.4%
C 70-74.9%
D 60-69.9%
F <60%
X Unsatisfactory (student did not participate)

Percentages refer to the proportion of all possible points earned by the student.

GEOG 862 Course Schedule

Print Icon Printable Schedule

Below you will find a summary of the lesson objectives for this course and the associated time frames. Assignment information will be located on each lesson's checklist. This course is 10 weeks in length, with an orientation week preceding the official start of the course. Each lesson is one week long and opens on Wednesday.

Course Orientation
Date: Week 0
  • articulate your own course expectations as a student in GEOG 862
  • understand the expectations we have of you as a student in GEOG 862
  • locate key information about the course, including assignments, due dates, technical
  • information, places to get help, and course policies
  • understand the rules and regulations regarding Academic Integrity and plagiarism at Penn State
  • understand how to communicate in this course environment
Lesson 1: The GPS Signal
Date: Week 1
Topics: The GPS Signal
  • demonstrate understanding of the basic GPS signal structure
  • discuss the similarities between GPS and trilateration
  • describe the pertinence of the navigation code
  • explain the structure of the P and C/A codes
  • define the creation of the GPS modulated carrier wave
  • identify the two GPS Observables
  • describe the role of auto-correlation and the lock and time shift associated with GPS pseudo-ranging
  • recognize the pseudo-range equation
  • discuss the role of carrier phase ranging in high accuracy GPS
Lesson 2: Biases and Solutions
Date: Week 2
Topics: Biases and Solutions
  • demonstrate biases and solutions
  • explain the error budget
  • explain the biases in the observation equations
  • describe user equivalent range error
  • identify the satellite clock bias, dt
  • define the ionospheric effect, dion
  • recognize the receiver clock bias, dT
  • describe the orbital bias
  • explain the tropospheric effect, dtrop
  • identify multipath
  • recognize differencing
  • differentiate between classifications of positioning solutions
  • discuss relative and autonomous positioning
  • recognize the benefits of single, double and triple differencing
Lesson 3: The Framework
Date: Week 3
Topics: The Framework
  • discuss technological forerunners of GPS
  • recognize terrestrial radio positioning, optical systems and extraterrestrial radio positioning
  • explain the role of TRANSIT in GPS development
  • explain NAVSTAR
  • describe GPS Segment Organization
  • differentiate between the roles of the Space Segment, the Control Segment and the User Segment
Lesson 4: Receivers and Methods
Date: Week 4
Topics: Receivers and Methods
  • recognize the basic functions of the common features of GPS receivers, the antenna, the preamplifier, the RF section, the microprocessor, the CDU, the storage and the power.
  • recognize some of the important issues in choosing a GPS receiver
  • discuss some of the trends in receiver development
  • explain some GPS surveying methods
  • demonstrate static
  • explain differential GPS. DGPS
  • explain kinematic
  • describe pseudokinematic
  • identify rapid-static
  • define on-the-fly
  • recognize real-time-kinematic
Lesson 5: Geodetic Datums
Date: Week 5
Topics: Geodetic Datums
  • demonstrate understanding of the basics of geodetic coordinates
  • describe a few pertinent ideas about geodetic datums
  • describe plane surveying
  • recognize the structure of some geodetic coordinate systems
  • define the elements of a geodetic datum
  • discuss the geoid
  • explain the North American Datum 1983
Lesson 6: State Plan Coordinates and Heights
Date: Week 6
Topics: State Plan Coordinates and Heights
  • explain the basics of State Plane Coordinates
  • describe NAD83 positions and plane coordinates
  • identify map projections
  • define map distortion
  • differentiate between SPCS27 and SPCS83
  • describe scale and distance in State Plane Coordinates
  • explain the basics of heights
  • identify ellipsoidal heights
  • recognize orthometric heights
  • discuss the evolution of the vertical datum in North America
  • recognize the geoid
Lesson 7: Static, DGPS and RTK
Date: Week 7
Topics: Static, DGPS and RTK
  • discuss the basics of planning a static GPS survey
  • recognize the role of NGS control 
  • explain Continuously Operating Reference Stations 
  • explain Static GPS project design 
  • demonstrate drawing GPS baselines 
  • describe how to calculate the number of sessions necessary for a static survey
  • explain the usese of real-time kinematic GPS and DGPS  
  • describe LADGPS and WADGPS
  • define RTCM SC-104   
  • recognize the use of the radio licensing and cell phones in RTK  
  • recognize some practical RTK suggestions
  • recognize precise point positioning PPP
Lesson 8: Observing and Processing
Date: Week 8
Topics: Observing and Processing
  • demonstrate the understanding of some techniques of GPS observing and data processing
  • discuss some of the components of Static GPS control such as equipment, station data sheets, visibility diagrams, monumentation and logistics 
  • describe RTK and DGPS observations 
  • explain some of the components of GPS data processing such as the quantity of data, downloading, control, the first position, the role of triple differencing and double differencing, cycle slip detection and repair
  • define the components of fixing the integer ambiguity and obtaining vector solutions
  • describe how to use some GPS processing services
Lesson 9: GPS Modernization and GNSS
Date: Week 9
Topics: GPS Modernization and GNSS
  • recognize GPS Modernization 
  • explain the difference between Block I, Block II and Block IIR satellites
  • describe power spectral density diagrams
  • identify the M Code
  • define L2C
  • recognize L5
  • discuss the significance of the Block IIF satellites
Lesson 10: Basic GNSS and the Future
Date: Week 10
Topics: Basic GNSS and the Future
  • recognize the benefits of L1C
  • define BPSK modulation scheme
  • define BOC modulation scheme
  • explain the difference between BPSK and BOC modulation schemes
  • define the GLONASS FDMA approach and GLONASS Signals
  • define the GPS CDMA approach
  • differentiate between the GLONASS FDMA approach and the GPS CDMA
  • recognize the use of leap seconds in GLONASS and GLONASS Time
  • define GALILEO
  • describe the significance of GIOVE A and GIOVE B
  • define GALILEO signals
  • define Beidou/Compass
  • identify the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
  • recognize the potential of GPS interoperability with GLONASS and GALILEO systems

Class Support Services

Penn State Online offers online tutoring to World Campus students in math, writing, and some business classes. Tutoring and guided study groups for residential students are available through Penn State Learning.

Course Policies


Students who do not meet these prerequisites may be disenrolled according to Administrative Policy C-5;if they do not have the proper prerequisite override. If you have not completed the listed prerequisites, then promptly consult with the instructor if you have not done so already. Students who add the course after being disenrolled, according to this policy, are in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Technical Requirements

For this course, we recommend the minimum technical requirements outlined on the World Campus Technical Requirements page, including the requirements listed for same-time, synchronous communications. If you need technical assistance at any point during the course, please contact the IT Service Desk.

Internet Connection

Access to a reliable Internet connection is required for this course. A problem with your Internet access may not be used as an excuse for late, missing, or incomplete coursework. If you experience problems with your Internet connection while working on this course, it is your responsibility to find an alternative Internet access point, such as a public library or Wi-Fi ® hotspot.

In EMS, inclusivity is one of our core values. We prioritize fostering a diverse and equitable community where each member knows they belong here and is inspired to succeed. We encourage everyone in our EMS community to be actively engaged in fostering this ideal, and all members of this class should contribute to a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environment and interact with civility. Our commitment to inclusivity aligns with Penn State’s values and policies.

To learn more, visit EMS Educational Equity. Here, you will find information about the EMS ALLWE initiative, the Rainbow EMS Network, Anti-Racism, active ally-ship, bystander intervention, and more. The site also has resources for where to turn if you need assistance and links to University references. Also, contact your EMS department’s Associate Head for DEI for more information about department initiatives.


Please note that the specifics of this Course Syllabus can be changed at any time, and you will be responsible for abiding by any such changes. Changes to the syllabus shall be given to you in written (paper or electronic) form.