An online discussion forum is the equivalent to a traditional graduate school classroom seminar. I expect you to have studied the online lesson, read the assigned readings, and conducted some web research as indicated in the lesson. When you access the graded online discussion forum for Lesson 2, you will find two discussion questions to get the ball rolling. The minimum requirement is that each of you post one primary response to each of my questions and comment at least twice on your classmates' posts. The idea here is to have an online conversation so that we can explore different ideas and alternative ways of seeing things. I expect you to demonstrate critical thinking and challenge the ideas of your classmates and yourselves. However, I know all of you will treat each other with dignity and respect and keep the discussion collegial and professional. I will moderate and facilitate the discussion, but do not be surprised if I have limited input. The function of the online discussion just as the traditional graduate seminar is for you to learn from each other. I encourage you to bring your own experiences and opinions into the discussion. That makes it so much more interesting.
In the intelligence community, much of what they do is classified for national security reasons. Everything in this course is unclassified. Presume that the other students do not have a clearance, 'need to know', and remember that everything in this course is done in a non-secure environment. DO NOT divulge, discuss, or even hint at any classified information. Also, remember that this is an academic course open to anyone, including foreign nationals. If you are a government employee, remember that operational security and information assurance are your responsibilities. Please bring any security concerns to my attention via email, and police yourselves.
Deliverable: Lesson 2 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#1)
Return to Lesson 2 in Canvas. Look for the Lesson 2 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#1) where you will find the two questions for this assignment. The minimum requirement is that each of you post one primary response to each of my questions and comment at least twice on your classmates' posts.
PLEASE address each question in a separate primary post to make it easier for your classmates to respond to your ideas.
Note: Please post your primary response to the questions by Sunday evening to allow time for everyone to post comments by Tuesday night.