In this lesson, we looked at Kant's three ways of ordering knowledge. We discussed definitions of geography and geospatial intelligence, the scope of the subject, and examined why geography as a subject and a discipline is fundamental to the idea of geospatial intelligence, and you read "Why Geography Matters." We also noted that different people and different agencies have different understandings of the definition and scope of the field. The lesson also included a brief discussion of how this course grew from a predominantly national security based course to include disaster preparedness, and international humanitarian aid.
Final Tasks
Deliverable: Lesson 2 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#1)
Return to Lesson 2 in Canvas. Look for the Lesson 2 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#1), where you will find the two topics for this assignment separated out in their own discussion forums. The minimum requirement is that each of you post one primary response to each of my questions and comment at least twice on your classmate's posts.
Note: Please post your primary response to the questions by Sunday evening to allow time for everyone to post comments by Tuesday night.
Deliverable: Lesson 2 - GRADED Quiz (#2)
Return to Lesson 2 in Canvas. Look for the Lesson 2 - GRADED Quiz (#2), where you will find the fifteen question quiz on this week's readings. You will have unlimited time, and it is open book, but be forewarned. This is a tough quiz. To do well, you must have read and studied the readings.
Before you move on to Lesson 3, double-check the Lesson 2 Checklist to make sure you have completed all the required activities for this lesson.
Looking Ahead
In our next lesson, we focus on academic and professional writing. Your deliverable is a critical analysis which will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your higher order and critical thinking skills.