Bibliography needs reformatting--APA Style?
Bacastow, T.S. and Bellafiore, D.J. (2009). "Redefining geospatial intelligence." American Intelligence Journal. Pp 38-40.
Bell, Peter, Coyne, John, & Merrington, Shannon (2013) "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." International Journal of Business and Commerce, 2(10), pp. 27-37.
Crampton, Jeremy (2003) "Cartographic rationality and the politics of geosurveillance and security.” Cartography & GIS, 30(2), pp. 131-144. Reprinted in The Map Reader, Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation (2011), M. Dodge, R. Kitchin, & C. Perkins (Eds.), John Wiley, pp. 440-447.
Emergency Events Database EM-DAT, http://www.emdat.be/.
Olson, J. M. (2006). Fair play: The moral dilemmas of spying. Washington, D.C: Potomac Books.
United States Code, 2006 Edition, Title 10 - ARMED FORCES