Applying the Principles - Introduction to the Capstone
Welcome to Lesson 5! This is the capstone assignment where you investigate a real-world problem using the techniques and tools introduced during your past coursework. In Lesson 1, we identified five principles of Geospatial Intelligence. These principles are:
- Principle #1: Geospatial Intelligence concerns insights about human activity on the Earth.
- Principle #2: The analyst's craft completes the picture provided by geospatial intelligence data.
- Principle #3: Geospatial Intelligence collection and source strategies are focused on answering a question about place and time.
- Principle #4: The Geospatial Intelligence analysis tradecraft is the art of geospatial reasoning informed by Geographic Information Science aided by Geographic Information Technology.
- Principle #5: The Geospatial Intelligence analyst makes judgments consistent with the standards of the intelligence profession.
In Lesson 5, you will apply the principles. As we discussed in the previous lessons, GEOINT is the art and science of place and time on Earth's surface. Its subject matter is the human phenomena that make up the world's places. The GEOINT professional studies and describes the changing pattern of places in words, maps, and graphics, explaining how patterns come to be, unraveling their meaning, and anticipating changes in patterns for decision makers. In the capstone work you will experience how a GEOINT professional thinks about real-world-like problems.
Now is the time to apply what you have learned!
Throughout this lesson, we will demonstrate the concepts of Geospatial Intelligence. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Apply geospatial intelligence data, tools, and techniques
- Appraise a geospatial intelligence analysis