The final exam for this class is due the last day of the course (check the syllabus and schedule for the date!) at 11:59 PM (2359) UTC.
- The exam is timed for 90 minutes, and you have one attempt at completing the exam.em> IF YOU OPEN THE EXAM, YOU CANNOT STOP THE TIMER.
- If you lose your connection briefly during that time, you should be able to restart where you left off (but the timer keeps ticking, so log on as quickly as you can).
- Make sure you save your answers often along the way to avoid losing progress if you're on an unreliable connection.
Use the following link to access the Quizzes and Exam page where you will see the link to the Final Exam.
Final Exam FAQ
Question: I lost my Internet connection and the time expired, can you reset the exam for me?
Answer: Sorry, there is no way for me to do this on an individual basis in Coursera. In addition, there is no way I can manage the process of deciding who gets another try with thousands of students.
Question: What kinds of questions can I expect on the exam?
Answer: This exam features 30 questions, and is cumulative for the course. All of the questions were drawn from the course Lessons.
Question: Why are you setting a time limit and only letting us take it once?
Answer: This is a chance for me to understand how well you are retaining knowledge from the past weeks of the course. Leaving it wide open and offering multiple tries would not help me understand whether or not you've actually learned something that will carry on beyond this course.
Question: Why is the exam not longer (or shorter)?
Answer: I've provided more than two minutes for each question. That should be plenty of time for students who have completed the Lesson 1-4 quizzes and read the lesson content.