Provided by DigitalGlobe, Inc. in cooperation with Esri and NGA.
DigitalGlobe Landscape +Human datasets are analyst-ready map layers that serve as a foundation for conducting geospatial analysis. The data conforms to the World-Wide Human Geography Data Working Group (WWHGD WG) efforts to provide a basis for a deeper understanding of cultures, activities, and attitudes. Such datasets are especially useful in supporting crisis situations, such as the Ebola virus outbreak, in parts of the world that tend to lack publicly available map data for use with GIS tools such as ArcGIS Online.
The dataset used for this exercise to evaluate possible locations for Ebola treatment clinics in Monrovia, Liberia contains the following layers:
- Administrative Layers
- Monrovia (polygon) – Administrative border of the city of Monrovia (an Administrative Level 2 polygon)
- Monrovia_Points (points) – Three points of interest within the city of Monrovia denoting the center of each survey area
- Communication Layers
- Internet Cafes (points) – Internet cafes are locations where customers can access the internet via pay-per-use transactions, often times anonymously.
- Crime and Public Security
- Prisons (points) –Consist of traditional prisons, jails, penitentiaries or other places where criminals and persons are held for extended periods of time.
- Public Security Points of Interest (points) – Locations of police and fire stations or where other public security personnel and equipment are based.
- Critical Infrastructure
- Airfields (points) – Locations where commercial, passenger, and military aircraft arrive and depart and/or are housed.
- Bridges and Tunnels (points) – Bridges and tunnels are infrastructure which allows road, rail, or pedestrian traffic to traverse waterways, mountains, or other forms of infrastructure.
- Marine Infrastructure (points) – Consists of locations where open waterways or hydrologic features meet terrain. May include physical infrastructure like lighthouses and docks, or natural features like beaches.
- Ports (points) – Dedicated locations where ships and boats can load or unload cargo or passengers, generally with supporting infrastructure.
- Public Transportation Points of Interest (points) – Locations where passengers can embark or disembark from modes of public transportation like trams, buses, and taxis.
- Railway Points (points) – Locations where rail lines routinely stop to load or unload cargo or passengers or receive service.
- Railways (polylines) – Lines denoting known paths of individual rail lines providing freight or passenger service. May also include subways and elevated trains.
- Roads (polylines) – Lines denoting infrastructure which supports automobile, pedestrian, and equipment traffic, including paved and unpaved roads as well as elements like steps, paths, and living streets.
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Cultural Points of Interest (points) – Locations where people commonly gather to witness events, observe cultural traditions or bury those who have died.
- Economy
- Agricultural Points of Interest (points) – Locations where food, livestock, or aquaculture is raised or propagated.
- Commercial Points of Interest (points) – Locations where businesses are located, products are manufactured, or services are rendered for a fee.
- Lodging Points of Interest (points) – Locations where people can stay, either permanently or temporarily, either for a fee or at no cost. May include hotels, apartments, hostels, or other forms of shelter.
- Recreation Points of Interest (points) – Locations where people may gather for leisure.
- Tourist Locations (points) – Similar to recreation points of interest, these are locations where people may gather for leisure, but are more generally known to a broader audience or require travel across boundaries. May have significant historical or international importance.
- Education
- Educational Institutions (points) – Locations where education is offered either by the government or private institutions. May include everything from primary and secondary schools to universities.
- Libraries (points) – Locations where books and other media are stored for subsequent use, generally for free to the public.
- Government/Municipal
- Embassies (points) – Locations where foreign government officials (typically an ambassador) and staff provide a permanent liaison between two countries and handling diplomatic issues for their citizens inside the given country. May also include consulates which specialize more in minor diplomatic issues like the issuance of visas.
- Government Points of Interest (points) – Locations of government-specific buildings and organizations within a country, generally providing services to its citizens.
- Military Installations (points) – Locations of known military systems, equipment, or weapons.
- Hydrology
- Rivers and Streams (polylines) – Lines which represent perennial and non-perennial hydrologic features which traverse the landscape; both natural and manmade.
- Inland Bodies of Water (polygons) – Areas where water resides both perennially and non-perennially on the landscape for extended periods of time. May include lakes, ponds, reservoirs, very wide sections of rivers and wetlands/marshes.
- Imagery
- Imagery layers (rasters) – Includes three separate imagery rasters collected in late 2014 which depict the three areas of interest in Monrovia.
- Medical/Health
- Medical Facilities (points) – Locations where health services are rendered to the public, both for a fee and at no cost.
- Religion
- Religious Institutions (points) – Locations where people observe religious ceremonies on a routine basis.