Discussion: Locate an Emergency Depot
For this week's discussion I want to focus on the analysis of selecting the emergency depot location completed in L4.07. Here are a few things to do and discuss:
- Post your selected site and a description of your process.
- Find an analysis that you think does a great job. Post a comment describing what you liked.
- Find an analysis that you think does a terrible job. Post a comment describing what you did not like.
Head over to the dedicated discussion forum here to talk about these issues.
Discussion Grading
Participation in discussions is worth 10% of your overall grade in the class. To earn the full 10%, you need to make a total of 10 original posts or comments by the end of the class. If I were you, I'd shoot for posting twice each week. Read the Grading Policy page for more details.
Forum link and grading link resolves to Coursera