NGA Advanced Python Programming for GIS, GLGI 3001-1

GIS, map and content


The central class of the API is the GIS class defined in the arcgis.gis module. It represents the GIS you are working with to access and publish content or to perform different kinds of management or analysis tasks. A GIS object can be connected to AGOL or Enterprise/Portal for ArcGIS. Typically, the first step of working with the API in a Python script consists of constructing a GIS object by invoking the GIS(...) function defined in the argis.gis module. There are many different ways of how this function can be called, depending on the target GIS and the authentication mechanism that should be employed. Below we are showing a couple of common ways to create a GIS object before settling on the approach that we will use in this class, which is tailored to work with your pennstate organizational account.

Most commonly, the GIS(...) function is called with three parameters, the URL of the ESRI web GIS to use (e.g. ‘’ for a GIS object that is connected to AGOL), a username, and the login password of that user. If no URL is provided, the default is ArcGIS Online and it is possible to create a GIS object anonymously without providing username and password. So the simplest case would be to use the following code to create an anonymous GIS object connected to AGOL (we do not recommend running this code - it is shown only as an example):

from arcgis.gis import GIS
gis = GIS()

Due to not being connected to a particular user account, the available functionality will be limited. For instance, you won’t be able to upload and publish new content. If, instead, you'd want to create the GIS object but with a username and password for a normal AGOL account (so not an enterprise account), you would use the following way with <your username> and <your password> replaced by the actual user name and password (we do not recommend running this code either- it is shown only as an example):

from arcgis.gis import GIS
gis = GIS('', '', '')

This approach unfortunately does not work with the pennstate organizational account you had to create at the beginning of the class. But we will need to use this account in this lesson to make sure you have the required permissions. The URL needs to be changed to ‘’ and we have to use a parameter called client_id to provide the ID of an app that we created for this class on AGOL. When using this approach, calling the GIS(...) function will open a browser window where you can authenticate with your PSU credentials and/or you will be asked to grant the permission to use Python with your pennstate AGOL account. After that, you will be given a code that you have to paste into a box that will be showing up in your notebook. The details of what is going on behind the scenes are a bit complicated but whenever you need to create a GIS object in this class to work with the API, you can simply use these exact few lines and then follow the steps we just described. The last line of the code below is for testing that the GIS object has been created correctly. It will print out some help text about the GIS object in a window at the bottom of the notebook.

Craeting a clientID in AGOL for authentication can be found here. This is not required for the lesson or the assignment, and is being provided as FYI.

The screenshot below illustrates the steps needed to create the GIS object and the output of the gis? command.  (for safety it would be best to restart your Notebook kernel prior to running the code below if you did run the code above as it can cause issues with the below instructions working properly)

import arcgis
from arcgis.gis import GIS
gis = GIS('', client_id='lDSJ3yfux2gkFBYc')

Steps for creating GIS object and output produced by the gis? command in the previous code example

The GIS object in variable gis gives you access to a user manager (gis.users), a group manager (gis.groups) and a content manager (gis.content) object. The first two are useful for performing administrative tasks related to groups and user management. If you are interested in these topics, please check out the examples on the Accessing and Managing Users(link is external) and Batch Creation of Groups(link is external) pages. Here we simply use the get(...) method of the user manager to access information about a user, namely ourselves. Again, you will have to replace the <your username> tag with your PSU AGOL name to get some information display related to your account:

user = gis.users.get('')

The user object now stored in variable user contains much more information about the given user in addition to what is displayed as the output of the previous command. To see a list of available attributes, type in


and then press the TAB key for the Jupyter autocompletion functionality. The following command prints out the email address associated with your account:

We will talk about the content manager object in a moment. But before that, let’s talk about maps and how easy it is to create a web map like visualization in a Jupyter Notebook with the ArcGIS API. A map can be created by calling the map(...) method of the GIS object. We can pass a string parameter to the method with the name of a place that should be shown on the map. The API will automatically try to geocode that name and then set up the parameters of the map to show the area around that place. Let’s use State College as an example:

map ='State College, PA')

Map widget in Jupyter Notebook produced by the previous code example

The API contains a widget for maps so that these will appear as an interactive map in a Jupyter Notebook. As a result, you will be able to pan around and use the buttons at the top left to zoom the map. The map object has many properties and methods that can be used to access its parameters, affect the map display, provide additional interactivity, etc. For instance, the following command changes the zoom property to include a bit more area around State College. The map widget will automatically update accordingly.

map.zoom = 11

With the following command, we change the basemap tiles of our map to satellite imagery. Again the map widget automatically updates to reflect this change.

map.basemap = 'satellite'

As another example, let’s add two simple circle marker objects to the map, one for Walker Building on the PSU campus, the home of the Geography Department, and one for the Old Main building. The ArcGIS API provides a very handy geocode(...) function in the arcgis.geocoding module so that we won’t have to type in the coordinates of these buildings ourselves. The properties of the marker are defined in the pt_sym dictionary.

from arcgis.geocoding import geocode
pt_sym = {
    "type": "esriSMS",
    "style": "esriSMSCircle",
    "color": [255,0,0,255],        
walker = geocode('Walker Bldg, State College, PA')[0]
oldMain = geocode('Old Main Bldg, State College, PA')[0]
map.draw(walker, {'title':'Walker Bldg', 'content': walker['attributes']['LongLabel']}, symbol=pt_sym)
map.draw(oldMain, {'title':'Old Main Bldg', 'content': oldMain['attributes']['LongLabel']}, symbol=pt_sym)

Map widget in Jupyter Notebook produced by the previous code example

The map widget should now include the markers for the two buildings as shown in the image above (the markers may look different). A little explanation on what happens in the code: the geocode(...) function returns a list of candidate entities matching the given place name or address, with the candidate considered most likely appearing as the first one in the list. We here simply trust that the ArcGIS API has been able to determine the correct candidate and hence just take the first object from the respective lists via the “[0]” in the code. What we have now stored in variables walker and oldMain are dictionaries with many attributes to describe the entities. When adding the markers to the map, we provide the respective variables as the first parameter and the API will automatically access the location information in the dictionaries to figure out where the marker should be placed. The second parameter is a dictionary that specifies what should be shown in the popup that appears when you click on the marker. We use short names for the title of the popups and then use the ‘LongLabel’ property from the dictionaries, which contains the full address, for the content of the popups.

Let's have a look at a last map example demonstrating how one can use the API to manually draw a route from Walker building to Old Main and have the API calculate the length of that route. The first thing we do is import the lengths(...) function from the arcgis.geometry module and define a function that will be called once the route has been drawn to calculate the length of the resulting polyline object that is passed to the function in parameter g:

from arcgis.geometry import lengths
def calcLength(map,g):
    length = lengths(g['spatialReference'], [g], "", "geodesic")['lengths']
    print('Length: '+ str(length[0]) + 'm.')

Once the length has been computed, the function will print out the result in meters. We now register this function as the function to be called when a drawing action on the map has terminated. In addition, we define the symbology for the drawing to be a dotted red line:

line_sym = {
"type": "esriSLS",
"style": "esriSLSDot",
"color": [255,0,0,255],
"width": 3

With the next command we start the drawing with the ‘polyline’ tool. Before you execute the command, it's a good idea to make sure the map widget is zoomed in to show the area between the two markers but you will still be able to pan the map by dragging with the left mouse button pressed and to zoom with the mouse wheel during the drawing. You need to do short clicks with the left mouse button to set the points for the start point and end points of the line segments. To end the polyline, make a double click for the last point while making sure you don't move the mouse at the same time. After this, the calculated distance will appear under the map widget.

map.draw('polyline', symbol=line_sym)

You can always restart the drawing by executing the previous code line again. Using the command map.clear_graphics() allows for clearing all drawings from the map but you will have to recreate the markers after doing so.

Map widget produced by the previous code example showing the drawn route

Now let’s get back to the content manager object of our GIS. The content manager object allows us to search and use all the content we have access to. That includes content we have uploaded and published ourselves but also content published within our organization and content that is completely public on AGOL. Content can be searched with the search(...) method of the content manager object. The method takes a query string as parameter and has additional parameters for setting the item type we are looking for and the maximum number of entries returned as a result for the query. For instance, try out the following command to get a list of available feature services that have PA in the title:

featureServicesPA ='title:PA', item_type='Feature Layer Collection', max_items = 50)

This will display a list of different AGOL feature service items available to you. The list is probably rather short at the moment because not much has been published in the new pennstate organization yet, but there should at least be one entry with municipality polygons for PA. Each feature service from the returned list can, for instance, be added to your map or used for some spatial analysis. To add a feature service to your map as a new layer, you have to use the add_layer(...) method of the map object. For example, the following command takes the first feature service from our result list in variable featureServicesPA and adds it to our map widget:

map.add_layer(featureServicesPA[0], {'opacity': 0.8})

The first parameter specifies what should be added as a layer (the feature service with index 0 from our list in this case), while the second parameter is an optional dictionary with additional attributes (e.g., opacity, title, visibility, symbol, renderer) specifying how the layer should be symbolized and rendered. Feel free to try out a few other queries (e.g. using "*" for the query parameter to get a list of all available feature services) and adding a few other layers to the map by changing the index used in the previous command. If the map should get too cluttered, you can simply recreate the map widget with the map = command from above.

The query string given to search(...) can contain other search criteria in addition to ‘title’. For instance, the following command lists all feature services that you are the owner of (replace <your agol username> with your actual Penn State AGOL/Pro user name):'owner:', item_type='Feature Service')

Unless you have published feature services in your AGOL account, the list returned by this search will most likely be empty ([]). So how can we add new content to our GIS and publish it as a feature service? That’s what the add(...) method of the content manager object and the publish(...) method of content items are for. The following code uploads and publishes a shapefile of larger cities in the northeast of the United States.

To run it, you will need to first download the zipped shapefile and then slightly change the filename on your computer. Since AGOL organizations must have unique services names, edit the file name to something like ne_cities_[initials].zip or ne_cities_[your psu id].zip so the service name will be unique to the organization. Adapt the path used in the code below to refer to this .zip file on your disk.

neCities = gis.content.add({'type': 'Shapefile'}, r'C:\489\L3\')
neCitiesFS = neCities.publish()

The first parameter given to gis.content.add(...) is a dictionary that can be used to define properties of the data set that is being added, for instance tags, what type the data set is, etc. Variable neCitiesFS now refers to a published content item of type arcgis.gis.Item that we can add to a map with add_layer(...). There is a very slight chance that this layer will not load in the map. If this happens for you - continue and you should be able to do the buffer & intersection operations later in the walkthrough without issue. Let’s do this for a new map widget:

cityMap ='Pennsylvania')
cityMap.add_layer(neCitiesFS, {})

Map widget produced by the previous code example

The image shows the new map widget that will now be visible in the notebook. If we rerun the query from above again...'owner:', item_type='Feature Service')

...our newly published feature service should now show up in the result list as:

<Item title:"ne_cities" type:Feature Layer Collection owner:<your AGOL username>>

Lesson content developed by Jan Wallgrun and James O’Brien