Surface complexation occurs ubiquitously in natural and engineered systems. Understanding surface complexation reaction is important to understand and predict reactive transport and fate of chemicals (such as Cr, As, Cd , Cu, Pb) in natural waters, soils, and sediments. Here we introduce the mechanisms and importance, and controlling parameters of surface complexation reactions, and how to set up the model for ion exchange reactions in CrunchFlow.
Other reference books
Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metals in Soils and Geological H. M. Selim, 2012. Chapter 2. Equilibrium and kinetic modeling of competitive heavy metals sorption and transport in soils.
Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction. Brantley, Susan, Kubicki, James, White, Art. 2008. Chapter 4. Kinetics of sorption-desorption.
Aquatic surface chemistry: chemical processes at the particle-water interface. Stumm, Werner. New York : Wiley 1987.
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