Coastal Processes, Hazards, and Society

Disadvantages of Hard Structures


Disadvantages of Hard Structures

While hard coastal structures can be the most effective option for flood protection and/or mitigation, or for stabilizing a shoreline at a fixed position, there is a price to pay. Hard structures partially hinder the recreational use of the coastal zone and can cause adverse ecological effects within the coastal zone. For example, when seawalls are constructed on eroding beaches, the erosion continues so that the beach in front of the seawall can become very narrow or disappear completely. And while groins and jetties trap sediment on the updrift side, resulting in shoreline accretion, there is corresponding shoreline erosion on the downdrift side due to the interruption in longshore transport. Some of the disadvantages of hard structures include:

  • Visual impacts
  • Horizontal and vertical access restrictions
  • Loss of sand supply to beach from armoring backshore
  • Placement losses with construction of revetment or seawall
  • Passive erosion
  • Active erosion