Module 4: Sea Level Rise
You have no doubt seen numerous references to sea level rise, in the media and elsewhere, in recent years. With 60% of the world’s population living within 60 miles of the coast, the current rates of sea level rise – 3.2 mm/yr. (~0.12 inches), and a predicted of sea level rise of approximately 1 meter (39 inches or 3 feet, 3 inches) before the end of the 21st century - we know there will be serious consequences. Such phenomena as king tides, sunny day flooding that occur when there is a new or full moon, accelerated beach erosion, higher and more destructive storm surges, and salt water intrusion into freshwater wetlands and aquifers are a few of the effects that we are hearing about more and more frequently. As these effects persist, difficult questions about the future of some coastal communities will have to be addressed by municipalities, local governments, states, and the federal government, and are indeed already being addressed. In fact, there are many examples around the U.S. and the world of ways in which sea level rise is becoming a persistent problem for residents, and plans and policies to address the issues are being implemented.
In this module, we will examine sea level change at various temporal and spatial scales to gain a perspective and understanding of these current issues. In later modules, we will look at case studies in which sea level rise plays a major role in the daily lives of people in communities around the U.S. and the world and consider the implications for the future of these communities.
Required Video
Begin by watching the following 6-minutes 20-second video Rising Sea Levels - Changing Planet(link is external) from the National Science Foundation. Learn and make notes on the main takeaway points. These points will recur in this module Note: the narrator incorrectly says that 3 mm of sea level rise is equivalent to 1.2 inches. It is actually 0.12 inches.
Learning Check Point
After watching the video, please take a few minutes to think about what you just learned, and answer the questions below.
As we discussed in Module 1, many coastal cities and smaller communities are increasingly vulnerable to coastal flooding, and sea level rise is a major concern for residents, businesses, and planners. The video mentioned multiple types of issues faced in a future with increasingly higher sea levels, including health problems and political unrest. In this module, we will explore the science behind the causes and effects of sea level change through Earth’s history and examine the recent sea level trends in the context of challenges facing coastal human communities, landscapes, and ecosystems at present.
The following is a NASA video (1:58) showing animation of sea level anomaly data. The data visualization introduced in the video demonstrates that in some areas sea level has risen, while in others it has fallen. Overall, the trend is a global increase in mean sea level, with an increase in the rate of sea level rise.
The current average rate of sea level rise of close to 3 mm per year does not sound like a lot, but it represents an approximate tripling of sea level rise rates since the beginning of the 20th Century. (1900 rate was approximately 1.4 mm/ year on average, now it is more than 3.4 mm/ year on average).