Coastal Processes, Hazards, and Society

Goals and Objectives


Goals and Objectives


  • Students will assess the physical and social components of vulnerability to coastal hazards.
  • Students will analyze worldwide case studies of coastal communities and their responses to coastal hazards in the context of vulnerability

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

  • Identify the components of risk and vulnerability of coastal populations
  • Assess and compare the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacities of different coastal communities from an integrated earth systems perspective.
  • Weigh the risks posed by coastal hazards and ways in which communities can adapt to increase resilience

Module 11 Roadmap

Module 11 Roadmap
-- Assignment
To Read

In addition to reading all of the required materials here on the course website, before you begin working through this module, please read the following required readings to make sure you are familiar with the content so you can complete the assignments.

Extra readings are clearly noted throughout the module and can be pursued as your time and interest allow.

To Do
  • Complete Module 11 Lab (Discussion).
  • Take the Module 11 Quiz.
  • Begin work on Capstone Project Stage 4.


If you have any questions, please use the Canvas email tool to contact the instructor.