(this is a repeat from the various pages where these were written.)
5.1: Modify any of my examples to write your own paragraph in a font you like.
5.2 Write a program with words that move up and down instead of right and left.
5.3 Modify the program in 5.2 with words that also change color as they move.
5.4 Tell a story with moving words
5.5: Experiment with translations. See what happens when you make multiple translations and use more than one pushMatrix() popMatrix() pair
5.6 Use translate() and rotate() to change a square into a diamond.
5.7: Use a combination of translate() and rotate() to change the coordinate system so that its origin is at the bottom left corner and increases to the right and upwards.
5.8: write a function that uses some combination of scale(), rotate(), or translate(), and then do something with it such as having it plot to the screen with a mouse click, or having it move by itself.
You should have turned in either Exercise 5.3 or Exercise 5.4 to its assignment dropbox and also Exercise 5.8 to its assignment dropbox. You should also have been participating in the Teaching/Learning discussion throughout the week.
Remember that in your Exercise 5.3 or 5.4 where you practiced with typography, you need to zip your whole folder and turn that into the dropbox so that I have the font you used and I can run your program.