Probably the most important thing to remember about rotation is the following: First translate, then rotate. I will say it again. First translate, then rotate. When you get unexpected results from a rotate() command, it is usually because you forgot to translate first, so your shape flies off the display window where you can't see it anymore.
Here's another example of a program that uses scale(), translate(), and rotate().
Example 5.11 Gear program
//interlocking gears float x = 100 ; float y = 100 ; float gearAngle1 = 0 ; float gearAngle2 = 0 ; float gearAngle3 = 0 ; void setup (){ size ( 400 , 300 ); } void draw (){ background ( 10 , 10 , 247 ); smooth (); pushMatrix (); translate (x,y); rotate (gearAngle1); gear( 0 , 0 ); popMatrix (); gearAngle1 += . 01 ; pushMatrix (); translate (x+ 125 ,y+ 20 ); rotate (gearAngle2); scale ( 2 ); gear( 0 , 0 ); popMatrix (); gearAngle2 -=. 005 ; pushMatrix (); translate (x+ 133 ,y+ 135 ); rotate (gearAngle3); scale ( 0.75 ); gear( 0 , 0 ); popMatrix (); gearAngle3 +=. 015 ; } void gear( float x, float y) { pushMatrix (); translate (x,y); stroke ( 247 , 117 , 10 , 120 ); fill ( 247 , 200 , 10 ); ellipse ( 0 , 0 , 30 , 30 ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) { strokeWeight ( 5 ); rotate ( PI / 6 ); line ( 0 , 0 , 30 , 30 ); } popMatrix (); } |

Screenshot of gear program above.
E. Richardson