EME 210
Data Analytics for Energy Systems

Data Structures


Data Structures

With this being a data analytics course, it is important to start with a focus on data. Data comes in a lot of different forms and can be organized into many different structures. The list below covers some main, basic data structures, in general terms:


A scalar is just a single value. For example:

x = 2


A vector contains multiple scalars organized into a single row:

x = [ 1   2   3 ]

or column:

x =   [ 1 2 3 ]

The defining feature of a vector is that it is one-dimensional, regardless of which direction it goes.


A matrix contains multiple values organized into a 2-dimensional array:

x = [ 1   2 3   4 ]


A tensor is a multidimensional set of arrays. For example, a 3-dimensional tensor can be thought of as a stack of matrices:

tensor displayed as three layers of matrix


So far, all the data structures listed above are for a single data type (i.e., only numbers). A table contains multiple variables (or vectors) organized into columns, and the different variables can have different data types (e.g., numbers and text), although any single variable needs to contain only a single data type (we'll talk more about data types in Lesson 2). Furthermore, tables typically have labels for the variables, as column headings:

10460 Pacific 3491.900
10787 East North Central 6195.942
11055 Mountain North 6976.000
14870 Pacific 10979.658
12200 Mountain South 19472.628
12228 South Atlantic 23645.160
10934 East South Central 19123.754
10731 Middle Atlantic 3982.231
13623 East North Central 9457.710
12524 Pacific 15199.859

* Data Source: Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), U.S. Energy Information Administration (accessed Nov. 15th, 2021)

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